Which is a Birth Chart
The Birthl Chart is an observation that is made on the sky at the time of birth of a person, event or situation.
This observation is taken as a starting point and from there the natal map is built.
The birth chart allows us to interpret the characteristics of a person, a venture, a company and even a country.
Knowing it allows you to understand in depth:
The main tasks and learning. The pending and unresolved issues that you bring into this life. The attachments and ways that gave you security in the past. The gifts and abilities you bring. The challenges, what the soul came to learn.
It helps you increase your level of consciousness. How to act freely, spontaneously and without fear. Deepen your own knowledge.
Know and understand your life mission, the purpose of the soul. Understand the planetary influences, how they affect you, and how you should prepare to face the experiences that life throws at you. Know when it is most convenient to act.
Understand the karmic aspects that you bring from other incarnations. Establish the degree of compatibility between people, institutions, countries, etc.
A Birth Chart is made up of the 12 Zodiac Signs, Planets and Arabian Parts, Aspects between the planets and the 12 Houses.
The Astral Chart is a map that proposes challenges and different paths to act. It helps you resolve issues from the past that condition you. It shows you where your evolutionary process is going in this life, it helps you to be yourself.
All the themes marked in a Birth Chart, can be evolved, can be changed.
The analysis of celestial activity allows you to evolve and develop.
The past, present and future are intertwined,
Your birth is not the product of chance or chance.
The Signs of the Zodiac
The zodiac signs are the twelve sectors of thirty degrees into which the ecliptic is divided. The twelve signs of the Zodiac represent twelve basic personalities or expression models characteristic of a person. They are called energy fields, archetypal patterns, or universal formative principles.
The 12 zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
The signs of the zodiac will have different classifications that group their energy.
One of the most important is the classification by elements.
Fire element
Aries – Leo – Sagittarius.
It is the energy of vitality, intensity, emotions.
Earth element
Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn.
It is the energy of stability, common sense and the ability to make things happen.
Air element
Gemini - Libra - Aquarius.
It is the energy of the intellectual mind, sociability and ideas.
Water element
Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces.
It is the energy of sensitivity, emotions and intuition.